Rediscovering Innovation: A Conversation with FTC Chair Lina Khan

Saturday, 15 June 2024, 07:17

In an exclusive interview with FTC Chair Lina Khan, she discusses the challenges and opportunities for startups, the complexities of scaling, and the delicate balance between innovation and the risk of potential lawbreaking. Khan, known for her groundbreaking work in the field, sheds light on her unique perspective as the youngest appointee to the role in 2021. Through her tenure, she explores the evolving landscape of regulations and the future implications on the tech industry.
Rediscovering Innovation: A Conversation with FTC Chair Lina Khan


In a groundbreaking interview with FTC Chair Lina Khan, the focus is on the interconnected realms of startups, scaling, and innovation within the technology sphere.

Main Points:

  • Lina Khan's Appointment: At the young age of the position's appointment in 2021.
  • The Technology Landscape: Discovering the fine line between innovation and the potential risk of lawbreaking.
  • Regulatory Future: Khan's insights into the evolving regulatory landscape and its impact on the tech sector.


FTC Chair Lina Khan's perspective offers a fresh outlook on the dynamics of innovation and regulatory measures, shedding light on the delicate balance for startups and tech giants alike.

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