Latest News: Thruster Finance

In recent news, Thruster Finance has raised $7.5 million in a seed funding round led by Pantera Capital. The funding round, which included participation from OKX Ventures, Mirana Ventures, and others, brings Thruster's valuation to $70 million. This development highlights the growing interest and investment in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, particularly in protocols built on the Ethereum Layer 2 network Blast.

Thruster Finance has quickly become the second-largest DeFi protocol on Blast, with $320 million in total value locked (TVL). The platform has gathered over 100,000 users who have traded nearly $2 billion of volume in less than two months since its launch. This rapid growth underscores the significant potential and attractiveness of Blast as a yield and incentive-first ecosystem.

Thruster Finance is positioned as a "deep liquidity" hub for Blast-native assets, offering more liquidity pools compared to its competitors. The integration-first approach to increase yield for liquidity providers and being native to Blast differentiates it from other platforms, providing a unique value proposition for users and investors alike.

The recent seed funding will enable Thruster to expand its engineering team and continue developing its roadmap, which includes more partnerships and integrations. Thruster aims to improve its user interface and experience to match those of centralized exchanges, making it more accessible and user-friendly for DeFi participants.

Overall, the investment in Thruster Finance reflects a broader trend of increasing confidence in DeFi protocols and the Ethereum Layer 2 network. As Thruster continues to grow and innovate, it is poised to play a significant role in the future of decentralized finance.

Thruster Finance is a cutting-edge decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Blast blockchain. It is designed to provide the best yield opportunities for liquidity providers (LPs) and offer a superior user experience for traders and builders in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. With its unique approach and deep integration within the Blast ecosystem, Thruster Finance aims to revolutionize the DeFi landscape by offering innovative solutions and maximizing yield for its users.

What is Thruster Finance?

Thruster Finance is a yield-first DEX on Blast, focusing on creating the best environment for Blast-native teams and tokens. It integrates with top protocols, tokens, and liquidity providers in the Blast ecosystem, ensuring that LPs can capture better yields. The platform won the Big Bang hackathon/competition, positioning itself as a leader in the DeFi space.

Thruster Finance offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features that cater to different types of users, including traders, liquidity providers, and developers. The platform aims to address the common pain points in DeFi, such as inefficient order books, complex interfaces, and the need for better yield opportunities.

Core Product Offerings

Automated Market Makers (AMM)

At the core of Thruster Finance's offerings are Automated Market Makers (AMM). AMMs are a type of decentralized exchange that allows users to trade tokens directly on the blockchain without relying on traditional order books. This method ensures that liquidity is always available, and trades can be executed at any time. Thruster Finance supports a variety of AMM types, including:

  • Full Range AMM (xy=k): This is the classic AMM model where liquidity is provided across the entire price range of the asset pair. It ensures that liquidity is available at all times, even during large market moves.
  • Concentrated Liquidity (CL): Inspired by Uniswap v3, this model allows liquidity providers to concentrate their liquidity within specific price ranges. This approach maximizes the efficiency of liquidity provision and enhances fee generation for LPs.
  • Stableswap: Designed for stablecoins and like-assets, Stableswap AMMs create a range around the 1:1 mark, ensuring that trading is efficient and liquidity is deep around the peg value.

These AMM models enable Thruster Finance to offer a broad range of trading and liquidity provision options, catering to different user needs and preferences.

Degen First UI & UX

One of the standout features of Thruster Finance is its focus on improving the user interface and user experience (UI & UX) for DeFi participants. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, reducing the noise and complexity often associated with DeFi platforms. Thruster Finance offers two main modes:

  • Lite Mode: This mode provides a simplified trading interface with high-level information about supported tokens, integrated price charts, and social features such as Thruster Fleets. It is designed for casual users and traders who prefer a straightforward and intuitive experience.
  • Pro Mode: For advanced users, the Pro Mode includes comprehensive details about tokens, active order flow, and discovery tools for finding new tokens and yield opportunities. It also features leverage integration via partner protocols like Particle.

By offering these two modes, Thruster Finance ensures that both novice and experienced DeFi users can navigate the platform with ease and efficiency.

Blast Native Yield Flywheels

One of the unique aspects of the Blast blockchain is its ability to generate yield on assets like ETH and USD stablecoins that are trapped in a bridge. Blast accomplishes this by depositing bridged ETH into Lido and USD stablecoins into Maker’s sDAI product. This functionality opens up numerous opportunities for builders and liquidity providers.

Thruster Finance leverages this native yield to enhance its product offerings. Yield is at the core of Thruster’s strategy, driving liquidity to the platform and supporting new token launches. By integrating native yield, Thruster Finance can offer more attractive incentives to LPs and create a more vibrant and active DeFi ecosystem on Blast.

The Blast Bull Case

Blast is often viewed as one of the most promising new chains, thanks to its unique features and strong support from the community and institutional investors. Some key reasons for this optimism include:

  • Native Yield: By building yield directly into the chain, Blast allows protocols to leverage tens of millions of dollars worth of native yield in innovative ways. This can significantly enhance liquidity and user retention.
  • High-Velocity, DeFi-Friendly Capital: Blast attracts capital that understands DeFi well and is willing to execute on-chain operations. This creates a dynamic and active ecosystem that continuously seeks new opportunities.
  • Builder Alignment: Blast supports builders through mechanisms like dev airdrops and gas sharing. This strong alignment ensures that builders have the resources and support they need to innovate and succeed.
  • Strong Backers: Blast is backed by well-respected institutional investors like Paradigm, which has a reputation for supporting builder-friendly ventures. This backing provides additional confidence and resources for the ecosystem.

These factors combine to make Blast and Thruster Finance a compelling choice for DeFi participants looking for innovative solutions and attractive yield opportunities.

Thruster Finance's Unique Approach

Thruster Finance differentiates itself from other DEXs through its unique approach to yield generation, user experience, and support for builders. Here are some of the ways Thruster Finance stands out:

Built-in Active Liquidity Incentives

To encourage liquidity provision, Thruster Finance offers built-in active liquidity incentives. These incentives are designed to attract and retain LPs by providing them with additional rewards for their participation. This approach ensures that there is always sufficient liquidity on the platform, making it easier for users to trade and for builders to launch new tokens.

Partnerships and Integrations

Thruster Finance has established strong partnerships with leading protocols and liquidity providers in the Blast ecosystem. These partnerships enable Thruster to offer a wide range of integrations and services, enhancing the overall user experience and providing additional opportunities for yield generation. Key partnerships include:

  • Particle: Integration with Particle allows users to leverage their positions in Thruster’s concentrated liquidity pools, enhancing their yield potential.
  • Lido and MakerDAO: By leveraging Lido for ETH staking and Maker’s sDAI product for USD stablecoins, Thruster can offer yield on bridged assets, creating additional value for LPs.

Community Engagement and Feedback

Thruster Finance places a strong emphasis on community engagement and feedback. The platform actively seeks input from its users to continuously improve and evolve its offerings. This collaborative approach ensures that Thruster Finance remains responsive to the needs of its community and can adapt to the latest market trends and developments.

Thruster Finance's AMM Models

Full Range AMM (xy=k)

The full range AMM model, also known as the constant product formula, is one of the most widely used AMM models in the DeFi space. This model ensures that liquidity is available across the entire price range of the asset pair, making it possible to execute trades at any time. The formula is represented as:

x(token1) * y(token2) = k

This formula guarantees that the product of the quantities of the two tokens in the pool remains constant, regardless of price fluctuations. This ensures that there is always liquidity available for trades, even during periods of high volatility.

Concentrated Liquidity (CL)

Inspired by Uniswap v3, Thruster Finance’s concentrated liquidity model allows LPs to concentrate their liquidity within specific price ranges. This approach enhances the efficiency of liquidity provision by ensuring that liquidity is available where it is needed most. It also allows LPs to maximize their fee generation by targeting high-activity price ranges.

Concentrated liquidity offers several advantages:

  • Increased Fee Generation: By focusing liquidity in high-activity price ranges, LPs can earn more fees on their positions.
  • Flexibility: LPs can create multiple liquidity positions within a single pool, allowing them to implement various strategies and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Improved Trading Experience: Concentrated liquidity reduces slippage and enhances the overall trading experience for users by providing deeper liquidity at popular price points.


Stableswap AMMs are designed for stablecoins and similar assets that are pegged to a stable value. This model creates a range around the 1:1 mark, ensuring that liquidity is available at all price points between the pooled assets. This approach is particularly useful for trading pairs like USDC/USDT, where the price remains relatively constant.

Stableswap AMMs offer the following benefits:

  • Capital Efficiency: By focusing liquidity around the peg value, Stableswap AMMs provide deep liquidity with less capital.
  • Reduced Slippage: The narrow trading range reduces slippage, making it easier for users to trade large amounts without impacting the price.
  • Support for Multiple Assets: Stableswap AMMs can support more than two assets, allowing for increased trading opportunities and better liquidity utilization.

Degen First User Interface and User Experience (UI & UX)

Thruster Finance is committed to providing a superior user experience for all its users. The platform is designed with a degen-first approach, ensuring that even the most experienced DeFi users can navigate the interface with ease. Key features of Thruster’s UI & UX include:

Lite Mode

The Lite Mode is designed for casual users and traders who prefer a straightforward and intuitive experience. Key features of the Lite Mode include:

  • High-Level Information: Users can access important information about supported tokens, including key anti-rug facts, high-level tax info, and admin details.
  • Integrated Price Charts: Price charts are integrated into the interface, providing users with real-time data and analysis.
  • Social Features: Thruster Fleets allow users to connect and share insights, enhancing the community experience.

Pro Mode

The Pro Mode is tailored for advanced users who require comprehensive details and advanced tools for trading and liquidity provision. Key features of the Pro Mode include:

  • Comprehensive Token Details: Users can access detailed information about tokens, including relevant links and comprehensive data.
  • Active Order Flow: The active order flow feature allows users to monitor and participate in the market more effectively.
  • Discovery Tools: Advanced discovery tools help users find the best new tokens and yield opportunities.
  • Leverage Integration: Integration with partner protocols like Particle allows users to leverage their positions and maximize their yield potential.

Blast Native Yield Flywheels

The Blast blockchain introduces a unique value proposition with its ability to generate yield on assets like ETH and USD stablecoins trapped in a bridge. This yield generation capability is leveraged by Thruster Finance to enhance its product offerings and provide better incentives for liquidity providers and builders.

Yield Generation Mechanism

Blast deposits bridged ETH into Lido and USD stablecoins into Maker’s sDAI product, allowing these assets to earn yield. This yield is then made available to dApp deployers, who can claim the yield earned on ETH and USD deposited in their contracts. This simple yet powerful functionality opens up a wealth of opportunities for builders and liquidity providers.

Thruster Finance's Integration with Blast Yield

Thruster Finance integrates Blast’s native yield into its platform, using it to drive liquidity and support new token launches. By incorporating yield into its core product offerings, Thruster can attract more builders and liquidity providers, creating a more robust and active DeFi ecosystem.

Incentives and Fees

Thruster Finance offers a comprehensive incentive structure to reward users for their participation in the platform. These incentives include:

  • Blast Points: Earned by providing liquidity and participating in trading activities on Thruster. These points can be redeemed for various rewards and benefits.
  • Blast Gold: A premium reward for top participants, offering exclusive benefits and higher yields.
  • Thruster Credits: Used within the Thruster ecosystem to access premium features and services.
  • Trading Fees: A portion of the trading fees collected on the platform is distributed to liquidity providers, ensuring they are compensated for their contributions.

Users can also opt into getting partner incentives and yield by depositing their LP tokens into partner protocols that support Thruster LP tokens. This includes but is not limited to Hyperlock, Particle, or Juice, which all offer additional rewards for Thruster LP tokens.

With regards to fees, 1/3 of LP fees go toward a community pool, with zero fees taken on Blast Points, Blast Gold, or other incentives earned by the liquidity providers. Fees accrued in any scenario will be used to bolster the utility of the Thruster protocol via future decentralized governance. Fees may also be directed toward Thruster Treasure, which is a product that needs a large pool of rewards to bootstrap and be redistributed to loyal users of the Thruster protocol.

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Thruster Finance: FAQ

What is Thruster Finance?

Thruster Finance is a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on the Blast blockchain. It is designed to provide superior yield opportunities for liquidity providers and an enhanced user experience for traders and developers in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

How does Thruster Finance generate yield?

Thruster Finance generates yield by integrating with the Blast ecosystem. It leverages yield-bearing strategies for assets like ETH and USD stablecoins, which are deposited into protocols such as Lido and Maker's sDAI product. This yield is then distributed to liquidity providers and builders.

What are Automated Market Makers (AMM) in Thruster Finance?

Automated Market Makers (AMM) are a core feature of Thruster Finance. AMMs allow users to trade tokens on-chain without relying on traditional order books. Thruster Finance supports various AMM types, including full range, concentrated liquidity, and stableswap, providing flexible and efficient trading options.

What is the difference between Lite Mode and Pro Mode in Thruster Finance?

Thruster Finance offers two main modes for users: Lite Mode and Pro Mode. Lite Mode provides a simplified trading interface with high-level information and integrated price charts, ideal for casual users. Pro Mode offers advanced features, including comprehensive token details, active order flow, and discovery tools, catering to experienced traders.

How can I provide liquidity on Thruster Finance?

To provide liquidity on Thruster Finance, users need to deposit assets into one of the AMM pools. These assets are then used to facilitate trades, and liquidity providers earn a portion of the trading fees. Thruster Finance also offers incentives like Blast Points and Blast Gold to reward liquidity providers.

What is the Blast native yield flywheel?

The Blast native yield flywheel is a unique feature of the Blast blockchain that allows ETH and USD stablecoins trapped in a bridge to earn yield. This yield is generated by depositing these assets into yield-bearing strategies on the mainnet, and it is utilized by Thruster Finance to enhance liquidity and support new token launches.

Is Thruster Finance secure?

Yes, Thruster Finance takes security seriously. The platform's core AMM has undergone multiple audits by reputable firms such as Code4rena, Sparkware, and Peckshield, all of which found no medium or higher issues. Additionally, the contracts have been peer-reviewed by technical experts in the DeFi space.

How do I stay updated with Thruster Finance developments?

To stay updated with Thruster Finance developments, users can follow the official Twitter account and join the Discord community. These platforms provide the latest news, updates, and community discussions about Thruster Finance.

What are Thruster Credits?

Thruster Credits are a type of reward within the Thruster Finance ecosystem. They can be earned by providing liquidity and participating in trading activities. Thruster Credits can be used to access premium features and services within the platform, enhancing the overall user experience.

How can I earn rewards on Thruster Finance?

Users can earn rewards on Thruster Finance by providing liquidity, participating in trading activities, and engaging with the platform. Rewards include Blast Points, Blast Gold, and Thruster Credits, all of which offer various benefits and can be redeemed for exclusive features and higher yields.

Thruster Finance: Latest News

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