Latest News: Resources of Ukrainian Science Club

Scientific journals, publications and databases

Science — is an international weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Nature — is the world's foremost weekly scientific journal and is the flagship journal for Nature Publishing Group (NPG).

HINARI — The HINARI program, set up by WHO together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to one of the world's largest collections of biomedical and health literature. Over 3750 journal titles are now available to health institutions in 113 countries, benefiting many thousands of health workers and researchers, and in turn, contributing to improved world health.

FirstScience — FirstScience is a leading online popular science magazine featuring articles on important breakthroughs, the latest science news, video clips, blogs, poems, facts, games and a whole lot more science-related content.

Futurity — Research news from top universities in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia

Science News — Magazine of the Society for Science and the Public

«Наука і технології Росії –» — e-edition, web-source created in 2005 with the support of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation and Ministry of Education and Science of Russia: events, news and articles in Science.

Українська технічна газета – very interesting news, articles and outlooks mostly technical direction, in Russian.

BBC Science/Environment News — Section News on BBC

New Scientist – a magazine "for all those men and women who are interested in scientific discovery, and in its industrial, commercial and social consequences". The brand's mission is no different today - for its consumers, New Scientist reports, explores and interprets the results of human endeavour set in the context of society and culture.

Wired — eponymous e-edition of Wired: get in-depth coverage of current and future trends in technology, and how they are shaping business, entertainment, communications, science etc. 

Directory of Open Access Journals — this service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering 17 subjects in many languages.

CEEMAR: Central and Eastern European Marine Repository, — a thematic digital repository covering the marine, brackish and freshwater environments and providing access to papers produced by staff of the ECET countries Institutes. Participating Ukrainian instiotutions: the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, in Odessa, the Institute of Hydrobiology in Kyiv, the Southern Scientific Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography in Kerch and others. — Open access to 551,760 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics

PLoS — is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. PLoS ONE welcomes reports on primary research from any scientific discipline.  PLoS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science,a nonprofit organization

eLIBRARY.RU — scientific e-library, the Russian information portal in science, technology, medicine and education, which contains abstracts and full texts of over 14 million ofscientific articles and publications

Specialized resources of scientific and educational information

Darwin Online Project — the complete work of Charles Darwin online. Only this site contains Darwin's complete publications, 20,000 private papers, the largest Darwin bibliography and manuscript catalogue and hundreds of supplementary works: specimens, biographies, obituaries, reviews, reference works and much more.

Europeana Library — world famous items and hidden treasures from Europe's museums  and galleries, archives, libraries and audio-visual collections.

World Digital Library — maps, historical and ethnographic images and documents from around the world.

ELibUkr — A multidisciplinary open electronic archive that gathers, stores, distributes and provides a lasting, permanent and reliable access to research results (articles, tutorials, presentations, etc.) by Ukrainian scientists.

ARKive — a unique collection of thousands of wildlife videos, images and fact-files, with a special focus on the world's threatened species.

International Year of Astronomy 2009 — it is a global effort initiated by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and UNESCO to help citizens of the world rediscover their place in the Universe through the day- and night-time sky, and thereby engage a personal sence of wonder and discovery.

International Year of Water Cooperation2013 — The objective of this International Year is to raise awareness, both on the potential for increased cooperation, and on the challenges facing water management in light of the increase in demand for water access, allocation and services.

GMO Compass — information about GM organisms, trials, safety, regulations, as well as discussions, papers, databases and documents. — informal interdisciplinary scientific server.

Європейський простір — information and analysis web-site dedicated to Ukraine's integration into the European educational space

Біомолекула — a popular science website dedicated to molecular basis of modern biology and practical application of scientific advances in medicine and biotechnology. Its founders and leaders - young professional biologists working in different countries. 

Оpen courses and video lectures

MIT Open Course Ware — MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. 

Onlinecourses — is a free and comprehensive resource that is a collection of open college courses that spans videos, audio lectures, and notes given by professors at Harvard, Princeton and MIT. 

TED — is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design.

Academic Earth — thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars.

Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free.
"We envision a future where everyone has access to a world-class education. We aim to empower people with education that will improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the communities they live in."

Affordable Colleges Foundation recently created an e-learning guidebook that would be a great addition to that page, or to any page on your site with distance learning information and resources.

The main goal of the guidebook is to help students learn online more effectively. This includes 20 pages dedicated to distance learning basics, critical how-tos, and many of the misconceptions that surround the virtual classroom. And to make sure students have the right information from the right people, we interviewed experts at The Sloan Consortium, The Open University, and more than a dozen other distinguished institutions.    

Technology resources

IDTechEx — Research, analysis and events of printed electronics, RFID, energy harvesting and their applications.

Gizmodo — interesting articles not only about technology but more

Рубрика «Технології» of — news and outlooks in technology in Russian 

SocialNets – ResearchersCommunities — Russian nanocommunity — from schoolchildren to academics and innovative companies.

Рубрика «Наука і технології» of Russian website — not only news from the world of science, but their depth analysis and discussion by project participants financiers, writers, entrepreneurs, filmmakers, scientists, politicians, actors, artist

КНЖ — scientific journalists club — a professional association of people whose activities are related to the popularization of science and its coverage in the media

IChemE — is the global professional membership organisation for people who have an interest in and relevant experience in chemical engineering. We are the only organisation to award Chartered Chemical Engineer status

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Resources of Ukrainian Science Club: Latest News

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